The Lord’s Day, September 26
I am eager to sing with you the contemporary hymn, “In Christ Alone,” this morning. This rich gospel-proclaiming hymn is fitting as we continue through our sermon series on John…..
Church Leadership Nominations
The Nominating Committee is seeking recommendations of Fourth members for consideration as Ruling Elders, Deacons, and Congregation-at-Large Members…
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The Lord’s Day, September 19
Charles Wesley wrote “And Can It Be?”, our closing hymn for this morning, in the days just after his conversion. Subtitled “Free Grace” when first published in 1738…
The Lord’s Day, September 12
May the joy of the Lord be upon us as we gather in his name today. “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.” —Psalm 84:10
Welcome to the Fourth Fellows Class of 2022
Let’s Welcome the Class of 2022! Our second class of fellows has arrived and will be introduced next Sunday, September 12, at all three worship services. Please look for them…
The Lord’s Day, September 5
I never tire of singing this morning’s Hymn of Thanks, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, with its third stanza that enumerates the rich blessings won for us by Christ…