“O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants who walk before you with all their heart” —1 Kings 8:23

Fourth Presbyterian Church is committed to glorifying God by making disciples of Jesus Christ through Christ-centered worship, gospel-shaped community, neighbor-loving service, and Kingdom-advancing multiplication.

Christ-Centered Worship

Our primary commitment is to worship the Triune God.

  • Proclaiming the gospel through the whole counsel of God’s Word on Sunday morning and evening
  • Celebrating the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as powerful signs and seals which impress upon us the grace of the gospel
  • Delighting in his redemptive works, singing his praises, and giving for his glory

Gospel-Shaped Community

Our community life is shaped by the gospel of grace.

  • Loving, serving, praying and promoting the peace and purity of the church together
  • Bearing one another’s burdens, rejoicing in one another’s joys, and celebrating life in Christ together
  • Growing in grace and maturing in Christ as we teach, learn, and apply the Scriptures

Neighbor-Loving Service

Our call is to serve our neighbors in loving witness to Jesus Christ.

  • Demonstrating compassion and mercy to all in need
  • Building relationships with our neighbors and being involved in our communities
  • Partnering with other organizations that serve the needs of the poor and broken

Kingdom-Advancing Multiplication

Our mission is to make disciples of all nations.

  • Sharing the good news of the gospel and calling all to believe in and follow Jesus Christ
  • Welcoming all who want to know more about the Christian faith
  • Raising up and sending out missionaries to the ends of the earth

Fourth Presbyterian Church is a confessional church. In addition to confessing the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed we also subscribe to the Westminster Standards and Heidelberg Catechism and hold them to be faithful summaries of the theology, piety, and practice taught in the Bible and recovered during the Protestant Reformation.

The Session of Fourth Presbyterian Church affirmed the following brief outline of our beliefs at its stated meeting on May 22, 1984 (revised by Session, April 3, 2024):

We believe:

  • That there is one God, self-existent, eternal, infinite, perfect, and glorious; unchangeable in his being and perfection; the Creator of all things, and the Sovereign of the Universe;
  • That this one God subsists in a manner mysterious to us as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three persons in one God;
  • That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are given by inspiration from God and are the only infallible rule of faith and practice;
  • That God created our first parents in his own image, holy, and happy, and that they voluntarily sinned, and that by their choice and willful act, sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all have sinned;
  • That God by his sovereign grace has defined a plan of redemption by which the exercise of mercy is made consistent with the maintenance of justice, and with the honor of his government;
  • That the Son of God in the incarnation became fully human, without sin, was obedient to the Father, suffered, and died upon the cross, thus making a true and proper atonement for sin, and atonement of infinite value, because he who made it is, was, and ever shall be divine;
  • That he arose bodily from the dead, ascended to heaven, and sits at the right hand of God; that he ever lives to make intercession for his people, and will come a second time to climax and culminate world history;
  • That all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ, as he is offered in the gospel, truly believing in and loving him, are pardoned and accepted for the sake of his righteousness, which is imputed to them, and that this righteousness is through grace by faith alone;
  • That all such who believe, having within their souls the principle of eternal life, are kept according to God’s promise and by his power, through faith unto salvation, the work of sanctification being completed in death;
  • That God, in a free, self-moved, and sovereign manner, bestows grace on mankind, having mercy on whom he will have mercy;
  • That the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances in the Church of Christ, appointed by himself;
  • That it is the office of the Holy Ghost, the third person in the Trinity, to convince of sin, to renew and sanctify the soul, to give gifts to the Church, and by his holy influence to produce spiritual revival and a turning of man to God;
  • That there is appointed a day of judgment, unknown to angels and to men, but known to God, when Jesus Christ, having raised the dead, will pronounce righteous judgment on all, welcoming his followers to share in his eternal Kingdom in the new heavens and new earth and condemning the wicked to Hell.

Fourth Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.