Deacons are a gift to the church as they respond to tangible needs, care for the physical wellbeing of the congregation, and respond to those outside the congregation who seek assistance.

Thanksgiving Bags

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Scriptural Basis

The New Testament word for deacon is diakonos, which means “servant.” Fourth’s deacons serve in a formal capacity as officers of the church in keeping with the scriptural precedent we see in Acts 6:1–7 and the character qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:8–13.

What Does a Deacon Do?

  • Deacons pray. One of the most important things deacons do is to pray for the needs of the congregation. Deacons bring before the Lord particular prayer requests that have been shared with them. They also ask God to grant them wisdom as they carry out this work of mercy ministry within our congregation.
  • Deacons help. This help comes in many forms. Sometimes all that is needed is to listen as a brother or sister shares their burdens. It may mean pointing someone to resources that can best help their situation or providing financial assistance to meet a need.
  • Deacons care. Everyone needs care at different times in life. This may involve standing beside an individual or family who has suffered the loss of a loved one or who is facing major medical diagnoses. Sometimes deacons are assigned to individuals who need long-term friendship and assistance.