“But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able thus to offer willingly? For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.”
—1 Chronicles 29:14
Give a one-time gift or log-in to set up recurring gifts.
Why We Give
Thank you for your interest in supporting Fourth Presbyterian Church through our online giving platform. Your generosity enables us to live and act as a faithful body that together delights in God’s glory, demonstrates his grace, and declares his gospel. We are a church of contributors, not just consumers, and we are called to steward God's resources — time, talent, treasure — with generosity and as an act of worship.
Giving generously to the work of his church is one way to express our gratitude to God for the grace we have received in Jesus Christ. It is not a means to earn God’s favor or appease his wrath but is done to honor him. Giving with regularity is an opportunity to grow in our faith and obedience to God’s word.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." —2 Corinthians 9:7
Ways To Give
Our online giving portal is a multigenerational “a la carte” platform that allows members of our church community to tithe securely by check, by credit card, or even by text.
Cash or Check
The church regularly receives tithes of cash and checks. Donations can be placed in the offering plates located by the Sanctuary entrances or mailed to the Finance Office at the address at the bottom of this page. Donations sent by mail must be postmarked by December 31 or earlier to be a deduction for the respective calendar tax year.
Credit or Debit Card
Members, regular attenders, and guests can give online by visting 4thpres.onlinegiving.org. There you have the option of donating a one-time gift or setting up a login for recurring gifts. For detailed instructions on how to give online, please email giving@4thpres.org.
Text to Give
This method of giving requires setting up a bank account or credit card when logged into 4thpres.onlinegiving.org. The mobile phone number you used to set up your myFourth profile will be automatically assigned as your phone of choice. It should be entered in a 10-digit format.
The phone number to text is (240) 623-5558. You can direct your tithes to a specific gift or designated funds. In order to do so, you should follow these examples:
- GIVE 100 - Designates $100 to the General Fund
- DEACONS 100 - Designates $100 to the Deacons
- OTHER 100 - Designates $100 to Other (add description yourself)
“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce.” —Proverbs 3:9
Other Types of Gifts
Fourth Church has been blessed by the cheerful generosity of congregants who honor the Lord with their giving throughout their lives. The information below provides consolidated guidance on how to be deliberate philanthropically and support our vision of reaching a broader range of people with the gospel, serving inside and outside the church as a response to the gospel, and sending leaders and ministry workers into the world with the gospel.
Appreciated Securities
Donating appreciated securities held for at least a year directly in kind counts as a charitable contribution and a deduction can be obtained for the entire fair market value without paying any long-term capital gains tax. Our account to receive securities is readily available by emailing giving@4thpres.org or by contacting the Finance Office at 301-320-3600.
Donations from IRAs, 401Ks, 403Bs, or TSP
If you are over age 72 and taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your retirement account, you may direct some or all of the RMD to be donated to the church. This is known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution. The amount sent directly from your retirement account to the church will not be subject to income tax. Instructions for making a direct transfer to the church are available by emailing giving@4thpres.org or by contacting the Finance Office at 301-320-3600.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Many employers provide matching gifts to not-for-profits to reward their employees for donating their treasures or time. The former tends to be a dollar-for-dollar matchup to a particular threshold, and the later tends to be referred to as a “Dollars for Doers” program. We would encourage you to reach out to the human resources department of your employer to find out if your company participates in such a program.
Estate Plan
Including the church in your estate plan can create a legacy that impacts the church’s vision for years to come. The means to do so can vary widely. As you prayerfully consider this option, rest assured that the Finance Office is available to work with you and your counsel if desired. All discussions are held in strict confidence. If your preference is to remain anonymous, the legal name of Fourth is the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Washington, D.C., in Maryland, and the Tax Identification Number is 53-0196534.
Need more help?
We are truly grateful for your donation and hope you find these instructions intuitive and helpful. If you would like additional assistance, please email giving@4thpres.org or call the Finance Office at 301-320-3600.
Donations made to the church are confidential and all conversations pertaining to potential donations are held in strict confidence by the Finance Office.
Fourth Presbyterian Church of Washington, D.C., in Maryland does not provide financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult your respective advisors prior to finalizing any decisions.