“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”
—Romans 12:2

Come and Study With Us

The goal of Adult Discipleship at Fourth Church is to equip the saints with the resources needed for Christian maturity, in order that they "may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God" (Colossians 4:12). Toward this end, we offer an array of classes designed to deepen our love for God's word and for the system of doctrine it contains.


Sundays • 9:30–10:30 a.m.

January 5–June 8

Scripture Study

Taught by Rev. Jules Grisham & Dr. Scott Redd
Upper Room

Revelation, Part 2 | January 5–April 13
Continuing our study from the fall semester, we look to the grand climax and consummation of the whole of Scripture. A lecture follows small group table discussions based on home study questions.

Revelation 8:1–13
Revelation 9:1–21

1 John | April 27–June 8
We will examine this short but profound letter to the church, written that we may know we have eternal life, as we look to the nature and character of true discipleship.

January 5–June 8

GENtoREV: New Testament
Taught by Robin King, Tim Perrin, & Kent Talbert
Room 142

This class examines the themes of the Old Testament, from Genesis through the wisdom literature, in the great unfolding story of redemption history, culminating in the life, death, resurrection, ascension, and reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.

January 26–March 9

New Members Class
Led by pastors and elders
Room 130
(originally scheduled to begin January 5)

Interested in learning more about what we believe and why we do what we do here at Fourth Church?  Whether you are new to the church or have attended Fourth for some time, you’re invited to get to know us better and to prayerfully consider becoming a member. To learn more and to register, visit 4thpres.org/membership.

January 5–April 13

The Faith We Confess
Taught by Dr. Todd M. Smedley, Rev. Jules Grisham, and Jeremy Williams
Room 131

What are we to believe concerning God and what duty does God require of us? Using the Westminster Shorter Catechism as the organizational template, we will examine the faith we confess here at Fourth Church in a deep and comprehensive manner, encouraging memorization of parts of the Catechism. | View/download the Class Syllabus.

April 27–June 8

Principles for Living Godly Lives in a Worldly World
Taught by Rev. David Frerichs and Dr. Isaiah Nengean
Room 131

How we can be faithful in our calling to live godly lives as disciples of Jesus in a worldly world that refuses to acknowledge Christ as Lord and rejects God as Creator? Topics to be explored include spiritual formation, vocation, apologetics, biblical justice, neighbor care, human sexuality, and evangelism.



GENtoREV: New Testament
Taught by Robin King, Tim Perrin, & Kent Talbert
Lesson 10a–19 Handouts
Lesson 10a–19 Questions


By Rev. Jules Grisham
Three Reading Plans for 2025
Read the blog post and download a PDF of the plans.

FALL 2024

Scripture Study
Taught by Rev. Jules Grisham and Dr. Scott Redd

Confessing Christ
Taught by Rev. Jules Grisham, Dirk Rankin, and others
Heidelberg & Apostles Creed

GENtoREV: New Testament
Taught by Robin King, Tim Perrin, & Kent Talbert
Lesson 1–9 Handouts
Lesson 1–9 Questions


Celtic Christianity: A Spirituality for Today
Taught by Jeremy Williams and Dr. Robert Norris
Class 1 handout: Origins and Leaders
Class 2 handout: The Longest Revival


Scripture Study
Taught by Rev. Jules Grisham and Dr. Scott Redd

Epistle of Luke
Epistle of James

Confessing Christ—Westminster Confession
Taught by Dirk Rankin and others

Recommended reading

For audio recordings of Scripture Study class lectures, please visit the Classes & Seminars page.