“He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” —Isaiah 40:11

Meet Our Pastors

Ministers of Word and Sacrament

Dr. Todd M. Smedley

Senior Pastor

Rev. Corey Gray

Pastor of Congregational Care & Ministries

portrait photo of Rev. David Frerichs

Rev. David Frerichs

Pastor of Young Adults & Director, Fourth Fellows Program

Rev. Jules Grisham

Pastor of Teaching & Adult Discipleship

headshot of Rev. Isaiah Nengean

Dr. Isaiah Nengean

Pastor of Outreach

Our Ruling Elders

Lew Bachman
Singh Bajwa
Jorge Bertran
Matt Bettridge
Peter Beukema
Steve Blackistone
John Boland
Tim Donner
Arnie Ensfield
Don Evans
Rob Falcone*
Bob Flores*
Doug Gilbert
Bob Giles
Greg Glenn

Skip Gnehm*
Phil Greendyk*
Tim Greszler
Parker Griffin
Akin Harrison*
Jeff Hearle
Michael Heiser*
Carey Hoobler
Tim Horst
Larry Huff*
Brad Jefferies*
Bert Johnson
Jimmy Kemp*
Tom Kiess*
Paul Kiingi
Scott Kim*

Robin King
Michael Klitsch*
Zack Koutsandreas
Robert Labutta
Bob Langston
Steve Liston
Mike Looney*
Dave McElroy
Paul McLendon
Sterling Mehring
Sid Menkis
Ralph Miller
Jimmy Nerantzis
Doug Noll*
Doug Nyhus

John Oliver*
Tim Perrin
Jacob Peterson
Bob Phillips
Todd Ramsey
Dirk Rankin
Bob Reiter
Keith Riley
John Ritterpusch
Don Robinson
Dave Shoultz
John Sillin
Ted Smith
Doug Smoot
Adam Szabo*
Kent Talbert*

Chris Thatch
Rich Tucker*
David Van Duzer
Eric Vendt*
Ted Voorhees
Greg Waldo
Marty West
Howard Wetzell
Bob White
Steve White*
Jeremy Williams*
Richard Wyatt
Carl Wylie
Jim Ziglar*

* Denotes a sitting elder

Our Deacons

Chris Bruce
Wayne Chen
Jim Colgain
Chris Cook
Godelinde Degroot
Jo Ann Dubose

Todd Elliott
Sandy Fischer
Lowell Fry
Kato Gilbert
Elizabeth Howe
Lyn Huff

Carol Jackson
Dennis Jansen
Carol King
Melissa Labutta
Ed Lawless
Scott McClelland

Bernard Murira-Njogu
Cathy Nerantzis
Lee Peters
Laurie Rankin
Debbie Roberts
John Sillin

Rick Smith
LouAnn Stewart
Todd Switzer
Elizabeth Taylor
Ira Vaughn
Wendy Vendt

Our Committees

Download a list of Fourth Church committees.
We rely on committees to share the responsibilities of governing our church, supporting the spiritual welfare of members, and faithfully stewarding church programs and resources.