Select any opportunity and provide your information to let us know you'd like to learn more.
Communion Preparation
- Prepare communion trays of juice and bite-sized matzo.
- Monthly | Saturdays | Anytime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. | 1.5 hours
Dinner for Youth Bible Study Leaders
- Provide dinner for 25 leaders.
- Annually | Wednesday | 5:30 p.m. | November–December
English Class Refreshments
- Provide refreshments for 8 p.m. break. Contributions can be dropped off the Sunday before class.
- Twice a year | 30 minutes
Livestream Slides Input
- Input Scriptures, hymn lyrics, and other elements into ProPresenter to support the Sunday livestream.
- Monthly | 2 hours
One-on-One Youth Support
- Provide support every two to three weeks to foster inclusion of a student during high school Sunday School. This ask is for male volunteers.
- Must be a member
Welcome Team
- Greet congregants and newcomers as they arrive on Sunday mornings, hand out bulletins, and direct people to the Sanctuary/classrooms.
- Monthly | Sundays | 8, 9:30, and 11 a.m. or 6 p.m. | 30 minutes
Administrative Support
- Help with administrative tasks at the beginning of the fall and spring Sunday School semesters.
- Twice a year | 4 hours
Scripture Study Class Cleanup
- Clear tables of leftover papers and table signs, and put away registration materials.
- Weekly | Sundays | 10:30 a.m. | 30 minutes | September–May
Scripture Study Greeter
- Welcome/escort new members to tables and make introductions.
- Weekly | Sundays | 9:15 a.m. | 1 hour | September
Scripture Study Registration Desk
- Help at the registration table for the first four weeks of class.
- Weekly | Sundays | 9:15 a.m. | 1 hour | September
Cherub & Children's Church Helper
Support the teacher with giving instructions, sitting, and playing with children.
- Weekly | Sundays | 8 or 11 a.m. | 1 hour | September–May
Children's Church Teacher
Lead what can be a large number of children, K–3rd grade, from the Sanctuary to their classroom. Then, lead in singing a hymn, reciting a creed, and learning a Bible lesson.
Must be a member
Weekly | Sundays | 8 or 11 a.m. | 1 hour | September–May
Events Team
Help prepare for and set up various family events.
As needed
Fourth Night Volunteer
Mind the classroom and play with the children.
Weekly | Wednesdays | 6:45 p.m. | 1.5 hours | September–November, January-March
G3 Childcare
Care for children during G2G Bible study.
Weekly | Wednesdays | 9:15 a.m. | 2.5 hours | September–November, January–April
Memory Zone Monitor
Listen to children recite their memorized verse.
Weekly | Sundays | 9:15 a.m. or 10:45 a.m | 15 minutes
Sunday School Helper
Support the class teacher; care for and play with children.
Weekly | Sundays | 9:30 a.m. | 1 hour
Sunday School Teacher
Teach a curriculum tailored to a specific grade of children.
Must be a member
Weekly | Sundays | 9:30 a.m. | 1 hour | September–May
Welcome Center Greeter
Welcome new families and inform them about classes.
Weekly | Sundays | 9 a.m. | 30 minutes
Welcome Center Runner
Escort new families to classrooms.
Weekly | Sundays | 9 a.m. | 30 minutes
Summer Bible Study Leader
- Lead weekly college Bible studies throughout the summer. Work through a book of the Bible and lead discussions with a group of college students.
- Weekly | Thursdays | 2 hours | June–August
Flower Arranging
- Help repurpose the large flower arrangements from the Sanctuary by creating smaller bouquets to deliver to members of the congregation.
- Monthly | Sunday | 12:30 p.m. | 2-3 hours
Flower Delivery
- Deliver bouquets to designated members, attendees, and friends according to your availability.
- As able | Sunday | Anytime between 1 and 7 p.m. | 2-3 hours
Meal Ministry
- Provide a meal for members, regular attendees, families for any number of reasons (e.g., surgery, hospitalization, new birth, injury).
- As needed
Memorial Receptions
- Provide baked goods and/or help serve during a memorial reception.
- As needed
- Build a meaningful connection with a church member who is unable to attend by making quarterly visits and staying in touch through monthly calls and emails.
- Monthly
Audiovisual Support
- Assist with audio and video technology during 9:30 a.m. Sunday School class.
- Weekly | Sundays | 9:30 a.m. | 30 minutes | September–June
Befriending a Young Adult
- Come alongside a young adult with disabilities (e.g., once a month get together).
- Monthly | 2 hours
Harmony Sunday School Leader/Assistant
- Facilitate playing chimes, Bible reading, discussion, and prayer.
- Must be a member
- Weekly | Sundays | 9:30 a.m. | 1 hour
One-on-One Youth Support
- Provide support every two to three weeks to foster inclusion of a student during high school Sunday School. This ask is for male volunteers.
- Must be a member
Zoom Fellowship Meeting Facilitator
- Assist at a gathering for virtual fellowship involving conversation, music, and games.
- Must be a member
- Monthly | Mondays | 4:30–5:30 p.m. | 1 hour | September–December
Administrative Assistance
Assist with administrative tasks as your schedule allows (e.g., printing name tags, updating attendance records, special event planning, etc.)
- As needed | 3 hours
Childcare Volunteer
- Care for children of adult English students.
- Weekly | Wednesdays | 7 p.m. | 2.5 hours | September–May
Conversation Partner
- Meet one-on-one with a motivated English student. Meet online or in person for as little as 30 minutes or as long as 2 hours per week allowing flexibility for both your schedules.
- Weekly
- Direct students to the Upper Room, classrooms, and childcare as needed.
- Weekly | Wednesdays | 6:45 p.m. | 40 minutes | September–May
Refreshment Coordinator
- Recruit volunteers to provide refreshments, keep an organized list of volunteers, and remind volunteers on their given week.
- Weekly | 30 minutes | September–May
Refreshment Provider
- Provide refreshments for 8 p.m. break. Contributions can be dropped off the Sunday before class.
- Twice a year | 30 minutes
Mission DMV is a ministry of Fourth Church committed to loving and serving our neighbors in need.
Afghan Refugees Ministry
General Volunteer
- Assess and provide for financial, material, and spiritual needs as a friend and mentor (e.g., provide transportation, casework and resource assistance).
- Weekly | 1 hour
Central Union Mission
Bible Study Lead/Participant
- Lead or participate in Bible Study with men in the Mission's Restoration Transformation Program
- Quarterly | 4 hours
Men's Mentor
- Mentor a formerly homeless man going through Mission's Restoration Transformation Program
- Quarterly | 4 hours
Collection & Food Drive
- Supervise as volunteers carry donations from cars to tables and then sort and organize them. Includes set up/take down of tables, signs, etc.
- Monthly | Saturdays | 10 a.m. | 3 hours
- Support the food drive monthly by retrieving donations from cars and bringing them into church for sorting.
- Monthly | Saturdays | 10 a.m. | 3 hours
Rockville Women's Center
- Meet one-on-one with clients to help them consider options and navigate next steps. Men meet with men, women meet with women.
- Weekly | 2-4 hours
- Answer calls, schedule appointments, share information with women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy.
- Weekly | 4 hours
- Interpreters are needed for the following languages: Spanish, French, Amharic, and Portuguese.
- As needed
- Encourage, advise, and help women and men learn about pregnancy stages, parenting, and life skills.
- Twice a month | 1 hour
- Record client health history, provide information, complete verification of pregnancy paperwork, discuss pregnancy plans and concerns, provide resources/ referrals. Current license required.
- Weekly | 4 hours
- Create a welcoming environment, assist with paperwork, and answer phones.
- Weekly | 4 hours
- Provide limited obstetric ultrasound scans to confirm pregnancy, discuss pregnancy plans and concerns. RDMS (Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer) is required.
- Weekly | 4 hours
Special Events
- Help plan and lead fundraising and community events or help the day of the event.
- As needed
Samaritan Inns
Fellowship Dinner Attendee
- Dine with clients downtown at Samaritan Inn's Huff House
- Monthly | 2 hours
Fellowship Dinner Meal Contributor
- Prepare or purchase a component of a designated dinner.
- Monthly | 5 hours
Worship Service Music Leader
- Select two to three hymns and lead a quarterly worship service in group singing and provide guitar accompaniment (if able) for Samaritan Inns program clients.
- Quarterly | 1 hour
Worship Service Prayer Assistant
- Open worship service with prayer; assist with 1:1 prayer after service. Assist with service logistics.
- Quarterly | 1 hour
Worship Service Teacher
- Lead Sunday morning worship service and deliver message to Samaritan Inns program clients.
- Quarterly | 1 hour
- Provide childcare at monthly club meetings.
- Monthly | 3 hours
Childcare for Summer Camp
- Go to a Young Life camp and provide childcare so the moms can enjoy camp.
- Annually | 4 days
Meal Team
- Help prepare a meal for monthly club meetings.
- Monthly | 3 hours
- Build a relationship with young moms by spending time with them, attending club meetings and special events, and accompanying moms to summer camp.
- Weekly | 1.5 hours
Transportation Team
- Provide transportation for moms/kids to/from the club location and special events.
- Monthly | 3 hours
Annual Missions Conference Support
Help the conference run smoothly by assisting with event coordination, audiovisual support, meals, and decorations.
Loaning Your Car
Provide a car to missionaries when they are in town. From a few days to weeks.
As needed
Hosting Missionaries
Host missionaries for meals or overnight stays when they are in town.
As needed
Supporting Other Missionary Needs
- Provide childcare, transportation, legal assistance, and more.
- As needed
Bells of the Trinity
- Rehearse and play for Sunday worship while participating in this handbell choir for students in grades 6-12; some musical experience is required.
- Weekly | Sundays | 5 p.m. | 1 hour | September–May
Celebration Choir
- Sing in Sunday worship periodically. Open to students in grades 1-2.
- Weekly | Wednesdays | 5:15 p.m. | 1 hour | September–May
Covenant Choir
- Sing in Sunday worship periodically. Open to students in grades 3-8.
- Weekly | Wednesdays | 5:15 p.m. | 1 hour | September–May
Fourth Strings
- This string ensemble for students ages 6 and up who are currently taking private lessons rehearses and plays several preludes for Sunday morning worship over the course of the year.
- Periodically | Wednesdays | 5:30 p.m. | 1 hour
Kingdom Choir
- Sing in Sunday worship periodically. Open to students ages 14-18.
- Weekly | Wednesdays | 5:15 p.m. | 1 hour | September–May
Ring Forth!
- This beginner handbell choir for students in grades 3-5 rehearses and plays occasional preludes for Sunday worship.
- Weekly | Sundays | 4 p.m. | 50 minutes | September–May
Fourth Orchestra
- Play in Sunday worship periodically. Open to all adults and high school students with at least intermediate level proficiency.
- Periodically | Wednesdays | 7:45 p.m. | 1.5 hours | September–May
Fourth's Flutes
- Play in Sunday worship periodically. The flute ensemble is composed of various flute voices and accomplished players.
- Periodically | 2 hours
Jubilate Quartet
- Play the prelude before worship services several times throughout the year in this quartet for accomplished string players.
- Periodically | Wednesdays | 7:30 p.m. | 1.5 hours
Sanctuary Choir
- Sing in 11 a.m. Sunday worship throughout the academic year. Adult singers with at least intermediate musical experience are welcome.
- Weekly | Thursdays | 7:45 p.m. | 1 hour 45 minutes | September-May
- Weekly | Sunday | 10:15 a.m. | 2 hours | September-May
Sunday Evening Worship Team
- Participate in the evening service as a singer or instrumentalist.
- Twice a month | Sundays | 5 p.m. | 2 hours
Coffee Fellowship Volunteer
- Help make or take down Sunday coffee on a rotating schedule.
- Monthly | Sundays | 7 a.m., 9 a.m., or 12 p.m. | 1.5 hours
Communion Preparation
- Prepare communion trays of juice and bite-sized matzo.
- Monthly | Saturdays | Anytime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. | 1.5 hours
Communion Setup
- Assist with setup before and clean up after the service and refilling the trays.
- Monthly | Sundays | 7:15 a.m., 9:15 a.m., or 12:15 pm. | 1.5-2.5 hours
Livestream Slides Input
- Input Scriptures, hymn lyrics, and other elements into ProPresenter to support the Sunday livestream.
- Monthly | 2 hours
Livestream Slides Operator
- Cue slides with Scriptures, hymn lyrics, lower thirds, etc., for the Sunday 11 a.m. livestream.
- Monthly | Sundays | 11 a.m. | 2 hours
Livestream Technical Director
- Operate video switcher for the Sunday 11 a.m. livestream.
- Monthly | Sundays | 11 a.m. | 2 hours
Offering Collection
- Help receive the offering during the worship service.
- Monthly | Sundays | 8 or 11 a.m. | 10 minutes
Welcome Team
- Greet congregants and newcomers as they arrive on Sunday mornings, hand out bulletins, and direct people to the Sanctuary/classrooms.
- Monthly | Sundays | 8, 9:30, and 11 a.m. or 6 p.m. | 30 minutes
Annual Retreat Support
- Assist with music, setup, registration and/or book table, decorating, games, karaoke, and crafts.
- Annually
Christmas Event Support
- Assist with serving and clearing tables, decorating, and coordinating games.
- Annually
"Conversations With Women of The Word" Support
- Assist with serving and clearing tables, decorating, playing music, and coordinating games.
- Twice a year | Saturdays | 8:30 a.m. | 4 hours | September–May
G2G Bible Study Small Group Leaders
- Facilitate conversation in the Generation-to-Generation (G2G) Bible Study groups.
- Must be a member
- Weekly | Various times | 2 hours | September–May
G2G Bible Study Snack Setup
- Set up the snack table before study begins.
- Weekly | Wednesdays | 9:15 a.m. | 30 minutes | September–May
G2G Bible Study Teachers
- Teach lessons during lecture portion of study.
- Must be a member
- Quarterly | Wednesdays | 10:00 a.m. | 1.5 hours | September–May
Progressive Dinner Hosts
- Host a dinner for 40 or more young adults.
- Annually | Thursday | 4.5 hours
Second Sunday Lunch Hosts
- Host a lunch for 30-40 young adults.
- Annually | Sunday | 12:30 p.m. | 4.5 hours
Thursday Dinner Hosts
- Host a dinner for 30-40 young adults.
- Annually | Thursday | 6:45 p.m. | 4.5 hours
Book Club Leader
- Lead a six-week book club.
- Weekly | 1 hour
Bible Study Leader
- Co-lead a middle or high school weekly Bible Study. Study Scripture and prepare questions to foster group discussion.
- Weekly | Wednesdays | 6:30 p.m. | 2 hours | September–May
Dinner for Bible Study Leaders
- Provide dinner for 25 leaders.
- Annually | Wednesday | 5:30 p.m. | November–December
Dinner for Friday Night Club Leaders
- Provide dinner for six to eight leaders.
- Annually | Friday | 5:30 p.m. | September–May
Dinner for Summer Bible Study Staff
- Provide dinner for 20 Summer Staffers.
- Annually | Tuesday | 5:30 p.m. | June–July
Friday Night Club Volunteer
- Invest in middle school students and assist in running biweekly youth outreach events.
- Twice a month | Fridays | 5:30 p.m | 2.5 hours | September–May
Summer Staff Host Family
- Host a college-aged member of Summer Staff.
- Must be a member
- Annually | May-August
Sunday School Teacher
- Lead a middle or high school class through provided curriculum.
- Must be a member
- Weekly | Sundays | 9:15 a.m. | 3 hours | September–May
The Mix
- Invest in high school students and assist in running biweekly youth outreach events.
- Twice a month | Sundays | 7:30 p.m | 1.5 hours | September–May
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace..." —1 Peter 4:10