Midweek Devotional and Update
I am posting my midweek update a bit earlier this week in hopes of drawing your attention to our first online Congregational Prayer meeting tomorrow from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Redeeming the Time
These are good days for us to consider what it will mean for us to ‘redeem the time’ and make it useful, both for God’s glory and our sanctification (Ephes. 5:15-17; 1 Cor. 10:31).
Sunday Online Gathering
I encourage you to listen, sing, and pray at home as we use the means of video and the Internet to gather online again this Sunday.
Holding Forth the Word of Life
For years, the words from Philippians 2:16, “…holding forth the word of life….” (ASV), were written on Fourth Church bulletins and newsletters (even doormats)…
Midweek Devotional and Update
Along with my midweek devotional [VIDEO], we have included care and prayer resources for your reference during this time when we are unable to gather at church.
Faithful in Place
The story of Martin Rinkart, a pastor in the German city of Eilenburg at the time of the Thirty Years War. A man frail in body but strong in faith and sacrificial service.
Sunday Online Gathering
Once again I have prerecorded my sermon, along with Scripture readings, prayers, and family news. I encourage you to listen, sing, and pray as you worship at home.
Ever-Abiding Word?
Have you found it difficult to read and appreciate the Bible this week? If so, you’re not alone.
Midweek Devotional and Update
I pray you will be edified by this devotional message [VIDEO] with brief updates on care, prayer, resources, and weekly activities during this time when we are unable to gather.
Be Still and Know
Over the past several days I’ve found myself feeling jostled by each successive breaking news alert. Perhaps you have too. It’s difficult to know how to respond and prepare…