Midweek Devotional and Update
Dear Fourth Family,
I am posting my midweek update a bit earlier this week in hopes of drawing your attention to our first online Congregational Prayer meeting tomorrow from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. See the information directly below this video.
I also encourage you to read the latest devotionals from Rob, Ron, and Tommy linked below. We hope you find them edifying and will feel free to share them using the share buttons at the bottom of each post. You can also like and share the the devotionals as they are posted on Fourth’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Just another way we can be salt and light during this season
Care & Prayer
Weekly Congregational Prayer
Starting Wednesday, April 1, 5:30-6:00 p.m.
Join our first church-wide online prayer time. Get familiar with Zoom video-conferencing ahead of time here. Then, on Wednesdays at 5:30, click the Zoom link provided over email or dial in by phone. We hope many people can take part as we turn to the Lord in prayer.
Questions? tmyrick@4thpres.org or 301-320-3600, Ext 204
Ready to Help
Deacons, elders, volunteers, youth, and staff members stand ready to help those negatively affected by the pandemic. Do you know of someone who needs prayers, grocery shopping, pharmacy pick-ups, encouraging notes, etc?
Call: 301-320-3600, x223 or x216
Email: deacons@4thpres.org or cfitzgerald@4thpres.org
Sunday Prayer Time
Sunday, 8:30-9:00 a.m
Pray during this regularly scheduled prayer time. Although we cannot gather in the Prayer Room, join in prayer as a church wherever you are.
Counseling Ministry
Counselors, Kevin Schick and Jessica Schick, are conducting sessions solely via video or phone.
Email: kschick@4thpres.org or jschick@4thpres.org
Parish Elders
Would you like help contacting your parish elder?
Email: tmyrick@4thpres.org
Call: Pastor Tommy Myrick, 301-320-1322
All Fourth Church pastors are available and may be contacted at any time, 4thpres.org/leadership.
Devotional Articles
Redeeming the Time
by Rev. Thomas Myrick
“These are good days for us to consider what it will mean for us to ‘redeem the time’ and make it useful, both for God’s glory and our sanctification (Ephesians 5:15-17;1 Corinthians 10:31).”
Holding Forth the Word of Life
by Rev. Ron Meyer
“For years, these words from Philippians 2:16 were written on Fourth Church bulletins and newsletters and became the theme of conversations as we invited people to our church.”