Midweek Devotional and Update
May 13, 2020 |
Dear Fourth Church Family,
What is God doing in and through the coronavirus pandemic? We don’t know all the answers, but I hope you will be encouraged today as I share from Scripture what we do know.
Two more notes:
- New opportunity starting tonight: The pastors will be live on Zoom for Q & A at 6:00 p.m. right after Congregational Prayer. Just stay on the call to take part. Join us!
- Our food drive last week was such a success that we are going to repeat the opportunity next week. Details below.
Grace and Peace,
Ministry Announcements
Congregational Prayer Online, Wednesdays, 5:30-6:00 p.m.
Join our church-wide online prayer time by video or phone. See the information sent to the Fourth community this morning via email. If it’s your first time joining us, you can get familiar with Zoom video-conferencing ahead of time here.
Questions for church staff? Call: 301-320-3600, x205, or email sholdrich@4thpres.org.
Q&A Right After Congregational Prayer
Following our time of congregational prayer, join the pastors at 6:00 p.m. as they discuss various topics and answer questions. To participate, remain on the prayer Zoom call.
“Drive-Through” Food Drive
The neighborhood and church are invited to contribute to a food drive conducted by Fourth Presbyterian Church Youth, Wednesday, May 20 (3:00-5:00 p.m.), and Saturday, May 23 (1:00–4:00 p.m.). Collected food will go to the Family Ministry of Central Union Mission, Young Lives (teen moms), and families in need.
- Mark your contributions “Food Drive” and place them in the trunk or rear of your vehicle.
- Please wear a mask.
- Drive to the covered entrance on the Ridgefield Road side of the church. Note that the church building is closed and the food drive is set up outside.
- Use the outer lane and remain in your car for safe social distancing.
- See tables set up for sorting donations.
- Release the trunk, and youth staff or volunteers wearing masks and gloves will unload your contribution.
- Please bring any quantity of the following:
- pasta
- canned spaghetti sauce (NO GLASS)
- canned tuna
- canned meats
- peanut butter
- canned soups
- canned beans
- dried beans
- toilet paper
- facial tissues
- paper towels
- cooking oil
- diapers
- grocery store gift cards in any amount
Please share this opportunity and invite everyone in the community to participate.
Giving Envelopes
Fourth giving envelopes are mailed on a quarterly basis to those who request them. We are happy to continue to send them to those who want them.
Did you know?
- If you give by check, your check has all we need to record your gift for tax purposes.
- An envelope with your name and address is needed for tax credit only when you are giving cash.
- Online giving on Fourth’s website is easy and secure. Go to 4thpres.org. Click GIVE.
If you no longer need or want giving envelopes, please contact Ruth Williams, rwilliams@4thpres.org, by Monday, May 18, to be removed from the third quarter envelope mailing list.
Scripture for Sunday, May 10
Old Testament: Job 9:1-3, 14-15
New Testament: 1 Corinthians 4:1-21
Children’s Ministry
Take advantage of your time at home to enjoy this week’s Fourth Family Huddle reading. We encourage you to read, sing, and pray together with your families this week as we explore the Book of Acts.
Special Blessings Zoom Gatherings
Students and families meet for fellowship and prayer, Wednesdays, 6:15-6:45 p.m. Moms’ Bible study and support, Friday, May 15, 7:00-9:00 p.m. The ministry also encourages families to review this special precautions information from the CDC. Contact: amuteru@4thpres.org.
Youth Ministry
Sunday school, Bible study, and fellowship fun continue via virtual platforms announced in weekly newsletters. Sign up to receive our newsletters. Contact: mleduc@4thpres.org.
Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult Community continues to meet for class via Zoom each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. We also pray together weekdays at 12:30 p.m. Contact: dfrerichs@4thpres.org.
Fourth Fellows
A full class of fellows arrives this fall. To host or help fellows connect with employers, visit 4thfellows.org for more information. Contact: dfrerichs@4thpres.org or jredd@4thpres.org.
Women’s Summer Bible Study
A five-week study (via Zoom) begins the week of June 8, Elijah, A Man Just Like Us by Liam Goligher. Various days/times will be offered. More information to follow.
Adult Sunday School | Combined Pastor’s Class | Revelation May 17-July 19
Sign up online. Groups will meet virtually. Dr. Norris’s lectures will be available no later than the Thursday before class. See the Adult Sunday School page for more information. Contact: klofberg@4thpres.org.