An Invitation to Our Fall Programs

Dear Fourth Church Family,

I am so excited to let you know we are only three weeks away from the start of our fall ministry programs for all ages. I urge you to fully re-engage in the life and ministry of your church family. Invite others you have not seen recently to join you in taking advantage of the many opportunities for spiritual growth and service that we will enjoy this fall. In the coming weeks, we will provide a full description of Fourth’s fall plans. In the meantime, I want to briefly highlight a few of these upcoming opportunities.

Sunday School & Fourth Night

Beginning Sunday, September 12, we will offer Sunday School classes for all ages. I cannot wait to see these halls once again filled with children, youth, and adults eager to learn more about God’s Word. Fourth Night begins Wednesday, September 15, where fellowship, a meal, and discipleship will be enjoyed by all ages. Do not miss out on these sweet times of fellowship and growth.

Neighbor-Loving Service

I want you to know about a new ministry we are launching called “Mission DMV.” Out of the challenges and complexities of the pandemic, the Lord has gathered and galvanized a group of Fourth members with a heart to serve the poor and the broken in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia (DMV) region. These passionate servants have formed a committee to reinvigorate our commitment to “Neighbor-Loving Service.”

Mission DMV is designed to help us acknowledge our mutual brokenness with those around us as we seek to love and serve our neighbors in the greater Washington area by mobilizing resources to support organizations which serve the poor and broken. Currently, we are searching for someone to direct this promising new ministry. As we launch this ministry, Fourth is sponsoring a “Family Work Day” on Saturday, October 16. Be on the lookout for details about this event and make plans for you and your family to participate — you will be blessed.

Sanctuary Renewal

Our Sanctuary Renewal Campaign officially begins Sunday, October 10, at 12:30 p.m. in the Upper Room as part of our annual “Vision Sunday.” While I will lay out some broad vision highlights, the bulk of our time will be focused on this project and the fundraising campaign. I am excited for you to see the architectural renderings of our renewed Sanctuary and surrounding area, learn about the construction timeline, and hear about the fundraising campaign. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you will bless future generations by investing in this project.

We continue to monitor and evaluate our indoor mask policies as we strive to be good witnesses to our neighbors and love our brothers and sisters.

I am praying for you and for our family of faith, asking for the Lord’s sustaining grace to be our refuge and fortress in these times.

Together in his grace and for his glory,
