Covenant Choir Rehearsal

Main Campus

The Covenant Choir provides choristers grades 2-8 with vocal training and music theory. The choir rehearses weekly in Room 144 and participates in the Sunday worship service periodically.

Kingdom Choir Rehearsal

Main Campus

The Kingdom Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 5:15-6:30 p.m. and sings in the Sunday service periodically throughout the year. Led by Wyeth Duncan.

Congregational Prayer (Online)


All are welcome to join at 5:30 p.m. for a time of praying together online. The link to attend the zoom gathering is provided in our weekly Fourth Update email.…

Alpha Course – Bethesda (near NIH)


Invite a friend to our Alpha Course - Bethesda Group. This is a course designed to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions,…

Middle & High School Small Group Bible Studies

Main Campus

We invite all 6th-12 graders to join us for our mid-week Bible Studies! It's a great opportunity for faith and fellowship. Students are divided by grade and gender, and are…

English Classes

Main Campus

Our church invites non-native speakers of English to participate in our weekly English classes which run September 13-May 15. Instruction is led by friendly teachers and conversation partners at six…

Youth Pizza Fellowship

Main Campus

After the Bible Studies, kids can stick around and hang out with us and have pizza together! Pick up is by 8:00 p.m.

Jubilate Quartet Rehearsal

Main Campus

"Jubilate" is a quartet for accomplished string players. The group plays the prelude before worship services several times throughout the year. Led by Carolyn Lincoln. Contact the music office for…

YA Prayer & Praise

Main Campus

Cap Fourth Night with this special time of prayer and praise, run by young adults, for young adults, with the goal of connecting with God together. Room TBD.

High School & Middle School Band Rehearsals

Main Campus

Our Youth Ministry Middle and High School bands rehearse Wednesday nights after Bible Study, starting at 8:15 p.m. If interested in learning more, please contact Noel Bradley in the Youth…