The Lord’s Day, July 25

Dear Fourth Church,

Here are a few reminders for this Lord’s Day:
  • Parents, remember that the Nursery has reopened for infants to 2 year olds during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services. You can register your children in the classrooms with their caregiver. Ushers can direct you to the appropriate room.
  • Today, as Summer Staff and almost 100 students depart for Summer Camp at NorthBay, in North East, Maryland, we have the opportunity both to pray for them and to further our investment in Fourth’s youth ministry through the Annual Summer Staff Offering. May the Lord give us faith for our praying and our giving.
  • As always, if you are unable to attend services today, the 9:30 service is available by livestream. You can view the livestream or dial 855-217-0187 to listen by phone. Both methods are available in real time or later on demand.

Sunday Service Times & Locations

8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. • Sanctuary • No RSVPs, face masks optional
6:00 p.m. • Sanctuary • No RSVPs, face masks optional
More information on the Sunday Services page

Sunday Worship Links

Livestream (9:30 a.m. Service) | Morning Bulletin | Evening Bulletin

Do you or your family have a need?

• Reach out to the deacons. Call 301-320-3600 x223 or email
• Connect with Fourth pastors by phone or email. Visit

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