Last Sunday of an Eventful Year: Sunday Gatherings, December 27
On the last Sunday of this eventful year, we will continue to sing beloved Christmas carols, and Rev. Ron Meyer will preach…
Sunday Gatherings, December 20: Fourth Sunday in Advent
Happy Lord’s Day to you. We continue our Advent series in John 1 this morning and gather in the evening for an Advent Communion Service.
Sunday Gatherings, December 13: Third Sunday in Advent
We continue our Advent series in John 1 this morning and gather in the evening for a Candlelight Carol Sing.
Women’s Ministry Celebrates Christmas
We invite ladies from Fourth and everywhere to “gather” online (watch party, anyone?) to enjoy this alternative celebration through the medium of video.
Sunday Gatherings, December 6: Starlight Carol Sing, 6:00 p.m.
Today promises to be a full and joyous Lord’s Day as we gather for three indoor services this morning and a Starlight Carol Sing this evening on the Lower Parking Lot.