Midweek Update: Learning to Lament

By Dr. Todd Smedley / August 12, 2020

This Sunday, we begin a new five-week sermon series entitled “Learning to Lament”.

Midweek Update: The Welfare of the City

By Rev. Ron Meyer / August 5, 2020

Learn more about Samaritan Inns, a mercy ministry helping our neighbors who face life’s toughest challenges, including homelessness and addiction.

Midweek Update: Perspective in the Pandemic

By Rev. Thomas Myrick / July 29, 2020

Perspective in the Pandemic: How did Christians in former generations endure prolonged periods of significant change?

Midweek Update: Sunday Services Survey

By Dr. Todd Smedley / July 22, 2020

One of our highest priorities and greatest delights is to worship the Lord together Sunday after Sunday. Today, I invite you to fill out a brief survey.

Midweek Update: Pray for the Fourth Fellows Launch

By Dr. Todd Smedley / July 15, 2020

On August 23, 12 men and women arrive who have entrusted themselves to Fourth’s community for the coming year. This is exciting, but there is also a lot of work to be done before the fellows arrive.

Midweek Update

By Dr. Todd Smedley / July 8, 2020

Today, I share with you a word of encouragement from Hebrews 7:24-25 that I hope reminds you of God’s faithfulness during this time.

Midweek Update

By Dr. Todd Smedley / June 24, 2020

In lieu of a video devotional, I have been preparing a letter to you about the impact of racism and racial injustice within our own community of faith. It’s a weighty topic and one we must squarely face.

Midweek Update: Reopening Plans

By Dr. Todd Smedley / June 17, 2020

We are excited to resume on-campus worship services at Fourth this Sunday! Today, Corey and I share our reopening plans and how you can learn more.