Rob served as Senior Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church from 1984 – 2015 at which time he transitioned to the role of Teaching Pastor. He retired at the end of 2022.

Born in South Wales, Rob surrendered himself to God on a Saturday evening at the age of 14. Then, at the encouragement of his pastor, he began to preach in small churches in Wales. He studied the Bible, and received a thirst from God for Scripture.

Rob holds a BA degree from King’s College, London, and dual doctorates in history and dogmatics from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Prior to coming to Fourth, he was Executive Pastor of Program at First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood, CA. Other past positions are Assistant Minister at The City Temple, London; Chaplain to the City of London University; and Chaplain to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. He has taught at the Washington, DC, campus of the Reformed Theological Seminary, and in seminaries in Ukraine, Malta, Japan, and Sudan.

He and his wife, Caren, have five children.

Our Pastors

Dr. Todd M. Smedley

Senior Pastor

portrait photo of Rev. David Frerichs

Rev. David Frerichs

Pastor of Young Adults & Director, Fourth Fellows Program

Rev. Corey Gray

Pastor of Congregational Care & Ministries

Rev. Jules Grisham

Pastor of Teaching & Adult Discipleship

headshot of Rev. Isaiah Nengean

Dr. Isaiah Nengean

Pastor of Outreach