Women’s Circle – Rebekah – Bethesda/Potomac


Circles meet in members' homes in various neighborhoods throughout the DMV for Bible study, fellowship and prayer. "Rebekah" circle meets in the Bethesda/Potomac area the third Monday of the month…

Men’s Proverbs Study (online)


This group, led by Rev. Jules Grisham, Bob Li, and Steve Pappas, meets online for an informal study of Proverbs, chapter by chapter, spurring fellowship and deepening our engagement with…

Men’s Breakfast

Main Campus

Men of all ages gather in the Upper Room to share teaching, fellowship, prayer, and praises over a hot breakfast. Cost is $5.00. No RSVP is required. To learn more,…

Middle & High School Girls Advent Devotional

Main Campus

We invite 6th-12th grade girls to join our Middle and High School Coordinators, Gabbi Heiser and Chloe Mazer, for a special Advent devotional study using “Everyday Gospel Christmas Devotional” by…

Women’s Reformed Reading Group

Main Campus

Meets the third Friday of the month, 10:30 a.m.–noon. in Room 132A, September–May, studying Calvin’s Institutes, Book III, Chapter 14. Email rtreading@4thpres.org for more information.

College-Age Christmas Party


We invite college-age young adults who graduated from high school 2017 through 2024 to join us for our annual Christmas party after the evening service. Christmas attire and bringing your…

Sunday Morning Worship

Main Campus

All are welcome to come worship our God together.

Nursery Care

Main Campus

Childcare is available for infants, crawlers, toddlers, two's, and three's in our nurseries for the 8:00 a.m. service, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, and 11:00 a.m. service. Nurseries are open from…