Week-at-a-Glance & Announcements
In this post you’ll find the calendar of events for the coming week plus the latest announcements from the ministries of Fourth. Also, don’t miss today’s Midweek Update email. See the footer of this page to subscribe to weekly updates from Fourth Church.
Wednesday, February 5
9:30 a.m. | G2G Bible Study With Children’s Program, Room 131
5 p.m. | Kingdom Choir Rehearsal
5 p.m. | Covenant Choir Rehearsal
5 p.m. | Celebration Choir Rehearsal
5:30 p.m. | Congregational Prayer, Online
5:45 p.m. | Fourth Night Dinner, Upper Room
6:30 p.m. | Middle and High School Bible Studies
6:45 p.m. | Fourth Night Class, Sanctuary
7 p.m. | English Classes, Various Rooms
7:45 p.m. | Fourth Orchestra Rehearsal, Sanctuary
8:15 p.m. | High School Band Rehearsal
Thursday, February 6
10:30 a.m. | Proverbs 16:31 Women’s Bible Study, The Commons
7 p.m. | Women’s Priscilla Circle, Bethesda, Offsite
7:45 p.m. | Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
Friday, February 7
11:30 a.m. | Young at Heart Valentine Luncheon, Upper Room
3 p.m. | Youth Winter Retreat Drop Off, Lower Parking Lot
Saturday, February 8
10 a.m. | Yarns for Hope, Room 111
10 a.m. | Drive-Through Collection & Food Drive, Upper Portico
Sunday, February 9
8 & 11 a.m. | Sunday Morning Service, Sanctuary
8 & 11 a.m. | Nursery and Cherub & Children’s Church
8:30 a.m. | Congregational Prayer, Chapel
9:30 a.m. | Sunday School Hour, Various Rooms
12:30 p.m. | Young Adult Second Sunday Lunch, Offsite
5 p.m. | Bells of the Trinity Rehearsal
6 p.m. | Evening Service, Sanctuary
Monday, February 10
1 p.m. | Disability Ministry Moms Group, Online
7 p.m. | GriefShare, Online
7:15 p.m. | Women’s Martha Circle, Bethesda/Potomac, Offsite
8 p.m. | Men’s Proverbs Study, Online
Tuesday, February 11
7 a.m. | Men’s Breakfast, Upper Room
7:45 p.m. | G2G Zoom Bible Study, Online
Ongoing activities: Adult Discipleship, Alpha, Children’s Sunday School, College Ministry, Community Groups, Congregational Care, Disability Ministry, English Classes, Fourth Night, Men’s Ministry, Mission DMV, Missions Ministry, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Young Adults Ministry, and Youth Ministry.
Adult Discipleship
Community Groups
Community Groups are underway. Visit 4thpres.org/groups to learn more. If you would like to explore your options, contact Rev. Jules Grisham, Pastor of Teaching & Adult Discipleship, at jgrisham@4thpres.org.
Congregational Care
Yarns for Hope
Saturday, February 8, 10 a.m., Room 111
Once a month, we gather to create beautiful, useful items for several church-related ministries. For more information, email yarnsforhope@4thpres.org.
Disability Ministry
Parent Groups
Our groups meet online to provide mutual support, prayer, and encouragement for moms and dads of any age children with disabilities. All are welcome. Contact Tricia Han for the Zoom links.
Moms Group, Monday, February 10, 1-2 p.m.
Dads Group, Saturday, February 15, 7-8:30 p.m.
Young Adult Fellowship
Monday, February 17, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Online
This virtual fellowship provides a great opportunity for young men and women (ages 21+) to gather and build friendships through fun conversation, music, and games. Contact Tricia Han for more information.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Breakfast
February 11, 7 a.m., Upper Room, $5
Men of all ages are invited to gather to share praises, prayer needs, and fellowship over a hot breakfast as Rev. Jules Grisham teaches on The Call to Holiness. Reservations are not required.
Men’s Retreat
March 7-9, Sandy Cove Retreat Center, Various room options available
Guest speaker Dr. Michael S. Horton’s theme will be Ordinary!, unpacking how God hands over extraordinary blessings through ordinary means and uses us to pass the gifts along to others he places in our lives. Registration is open and closes February 23; register by February 15 for an early bird discount. To learn more and to register visit the Men’s Ministry webpage. Contact Rev. Jules Grisham at jgrisham@4thpres.org for more information.
Mission DMV Ministry
Rockville Women’s Center
Friday, February 7, 7:30-8:30 a.m.
To participate in First Friday Prayer on the phone email Janie Randell for login information.
Drive-Through Collection & Food Drive
Saturday, February 8, 10 a.m.-noon
Bring contributions of food, diapers, clothing (socks, underwear, shoes, and boots), and household items in bags with handles. Donated items go to ministry partners and neighbors in the DMV.
Contact for food items: Noel Bradley, SERVE@4thpres.org
Contact for clothing and household items: Pamela Roylance, proylance@4thpres.org
Serve the Mission Day
February 17, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., 4 to 8 p.m.
Sign up to serve at Central Union Mission in either the morning or evening. All participants must be 12 years or older; children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Families and youth are welcome for the morning activity; only adults can serve at the evening activity. For more information go to the Mission DMV webpage. Registration is required.
Missions Ministry
Prayer for Unreached People Groups
There are two opportunities to pray for unreached people groups. This month we are praying for Israel. Contact Janie Randell at jrandell@4thpres.org to get a copy of the specific prayer requests.
Sunday, February 16, 5:30 p.m., Chapel
Friday, February 28, 6:30 a.m., Online (email Janie Randell for the Zoom link)
Do you know someone who might appreciate being invited to one of the upcoming Alpha groups? Hosted in private homes, the eight-week Alpha Course is designed to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions in a casual and friendly atmosphere. Each week features food, fellowship, and a 25-minute film. For more information for the classes listed below, please email Janie Randell at alpha@4thpres.org.
Potomac, Maryland -Tuesdays, March 25–May 13, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Bethesda, Maryland -Thursdays, March 27–May 15, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Music Ministry
Fridays at Fourth
March 14, 1-2 p.m., Sanctuary, Free
“Musicians from Fourth” features chamber music played on the saxophone, flute, violin, piano, organ, and cello.
Women’s Ministry
Women of the Word Conference
Saturday, February 22, 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m., $15, Upper Room
Join us for a morning of digging deep into Proclaiming the Lord’s Faithfulness: Reflections on Psalm 145 led by Salome Nengean. Enjoy a scrumptious brunch, worship, fellowship, prayer, small group discussion, and more. Open to all women. To learn more and register, visit the Women’s Ministry webpage or email Suki Dicker at sdicker@4thpres.org.
Youth Ministry
Ice Skating Night for 6th-12th Grades
Friday, February 14, 7:30-9:45 p.m., $15, Offsite
Bring your friends to a fun Friday night on the ice! Cost includes roundtrip transportation and skate rental. Meet at Fourth at 7:30 p.m. for a ride and we’ll return by 9:45 p.m. Or meet us at the rink at 8 p.m. Bring money for snacks. Registration is required. For more information, contact Noel Bradley.