First Lord’s Day of the New Year: Sunday Gatherings, January 3

Dear Fourth Church Family,

Greetings to all on this first Lord’s Day of 2021. We mark the new year with a sermon from Dr. Robert Norris on Exodus 33 and by celebrating the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Below you’ll find links to today’s bulletins, the 11:00 a.m. livestream, and the reservations page, for last minute RSVPs.
If you ever need to cancel your reservation, please email Rebecca Sparks-Korossy ( so that your spot can be released to someone who may be on the waiting list.

Grace to you,


Bulletin Downloads

Morning | Evening | Children’s Morning | Children’s Evening

Do you or your family have a need?

• Reach out to the deacons. Call 301-320-3600 x223 or email
• Connect with Fourth pastors by phone or email. Visit

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