Sunday Services and Classes Canceled Until Further Notice
Dear Fourth Church Family,
Yesterday morning, I called a Session meeting for the elders to pray for our church family and to make decisions about our response to the latest developments regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. God’s mercy and providence made our decision clear when, later in the afternoon, Governor Hogan issued a prohibition on all gatherings over 250 people. In accordance with the Governor’s announcement (Romans 13:1-7), we are canceling all Fourth gatherings and program activities, including Sunday morning and evening worship, until further notice. We will be in regular contact with you via emails and the website as we follow the situation closely.
I plan to send out regular emails of encouragement and updates throughout this time. Each Sunday we will send out a teaching from me along with Scripture readings, prayers, and music. We encourage you to use these resources for worship at home with your families and/or other small gatherings.
If you have pastoral needs, please do not hesitate to contact any of the pastors by phone or email (
If you know of members or regular attenders who do not receive these emails who would like to, please email Rev. Corey Gray ( to add them to the list.
Please know your pastors and elders are praying for you and we will miss seeing you regularly. As daily life will look quite different than normal, let us all ask the Lord to strengthen our faith that we might trust in his promise; “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
Grace and Peace,